IFSC Codes


Here is a table of IFSC codes for some major Indian banks and their respective branches. Note that this is not an exhaustive list, as each bank has numerous branches across the country. For a complete list, it is best to refer to the bank’s official website or use IFSC lookup tools.

Bank NameIFSC CodeBranch Name
State Bank of India (SBI)SBIN0000001SBI Head Office, Mumbai
Punjab National Bank (PNB)PUNB0000001PNB Head Office, New Delhi
Bank of Baroda (BOB)BARB0VJDELXBOB Head Office, Vadodara
HDFC BankHDFC0000001HDFC Bank Head Office
ICICI BankICIC0000001ICICI Bank Head Office
Axis BankAXIS0000001Axis Bank Head Office
Canara BankCNRB0000001Canara Bank Head Office
Union Bank of IndiaUBIN0000001Union Bank Head Office
Bank of IndiaBKID0000001Bank of India Head Office
Central Bank of IndiaCBIN0000001Central Bank Head Office

Important Notes

  • The codes listed above are examples and may not correspond to actual branches. The last six characters of the IFSC code represent the branch code, which can vary.
  • Always verify the IFSC code for transactions to avoid errors.

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